

The VALUE ADDED COURSE IN CARDIOLOGY PHARMACY PRACTICE [CPP] is an ongoing program conducted by renowned cardiologists Dr Kiran Chulki and Dr Deepak Kadeli in Vijayapur. The course is designed to provide healthcare professionals with specialized knowledge and skills in the field of cardiology pharmacy practice.

As the Course Coordinator, Dr SZ Inamdar, Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacy Practice, ensures that the program is carried out effectively and efficiently. The Course Specific Coordinators, Dr SushilKumar PL and Dr Krishna Despande, Assistant Professors in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, assist in organizing and delivering the course content.

The CPP program covers topics such as cardiovascular pharmacology, drug interactions, patient counseling, and medication management in cardiology patients. The program also includes hands-on training and case-based discussions to enhance practical skills and decision-making abilities.

The VALUE ADDED COURSE IN CARDIOLOGY PHARMACY PRACTICE [CPP] is a valuable opportunity for Doctor of Pharmacy program and PG students of various branches to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of cardiology pharmacy practice. By participating in this program, healthcare professionals can provide better care for their cardiology patients and contribute to improved patient outcomes.